What is Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation?
Physical therapy and rehabilitation; It is a specialty that covers the diagnosis and treatment of physical and functional disorders in the musculoskeletal, neurological or cardiovascular systems.
Physical therapy methods include some physical agents and techniques. They are applied externally to the body. They do not cause any pain or burning. Generally, it is aimed to reduce the pain, to eliminate it, to make the restricted area functional again.
In Which Situations Is Physiotherapy Applied?
In many cases where medical and surgical treatments do not respond adequately, physical therapy applications are successfully applied. It has a very wide area. The main of these areas are:
How Long Does Physiotherapy Practice Take?
Physical therapy is administered in sessions. Sessions can last between 1 and 1.5 hours. Although the number of sessions varies according to the patient, it can be 15-20 sessions. Patients who need rehabilitation continue treatment for a much longer time.
What are Physical Therapy Applications?
The physical therapy program is planned by the specialist physician. Applications are made by a physiotherapist or physical therapy technician. Sessions are usually not painful. Only in case of joint limitation, stretching exercises to open the joint can be painful.
Physical therapy options include:
2-Surface heat (hotpack, infrared, paraffin bath, vortex bath).
3-Deep Heat (Ultrasound, short wave diathermy, laser)
4-Electrotherapy (Tens, Vacuum-interference, electrical stimulation, diadynamic, faradic and galvanic currents)
6- Therapeutic exercises
7- Mobilization and manipulation,
8-Splint, brace, corset, bandage, walking stick etc. supports
9-Hydrotherapy (Spa treatments
Are There Any Side Effects and Drawbacks of Physical Therapy Applications?
Side effects and drawbacks are very few. It rarely causes skin rash. In applications to the neck area, it is necessary to be careful in terms of high blood pressure. Rarely, heart rhythm disturbances, tendon ruptures and ligament lesions may occur during the opening of joint restrictions.
It is not suitable to be applied during active periods of rheumatic diseases.