Muscular rheumatism is a common disease in general, but it is little known among the public. It can be confused with many diseases in terms of its symptoms. People of all ages can suffer from this disease, there is no specific age range. This disease manifests itself with more pain. Many symptoms such as pain, spasm, numbness, stinging, pulling, tingling and tightness in the muscles or muscle groups can be seen. There are patients who often come with symptoms of cold legs.
Muscular rheumatism is most commonly seen in the hips, neck, arms, waist, back and legs. This disease, which is often confused with neck and waist hernias, tends to be seen wherever there are muscles in the body. Sometimes, patients may apply to the emergency room with very severe pain, and in such cases, it may be difficult even to examine them. It is possible to relieve this severe pain by administering morphine and continue the examination.
In muscular rheumatism, in which muscle mass there is pain, the pain is generally more unbearable there. Neck pain is one of the complaints of muscle rheumatism, as can back and low back pain. Complaints such as pain spreading from the neck to the arm, shortness of breath and stinging in the chest, body pain that makes movement difficult, joint pains that prevent movement in the knees and elbows, pain radiating from the hip or waist to the leg, pain in the bones that affect daily life in general are the general complaints of muscle rheumatism. . It can be confused with many diseases such as neck and waist hernia, sciatic pain, osteoporosis, inflammatory rheumatism, hip calcification, muscle tenderness.
Muscular rheumatism, like many other diseases, has a treatment. Dry needle treatment, which is one of the treatments of muscle rheumatism, is one of the most effective treatment methods. No medication is used in this treatment. Therefore, patients do not have to worry about the side effects of the treatment. There will be no side effects and the patient does not show any allergic reaction. It is a type of treatment that requires patience and experience. The patient can get very healthy results thanks to the treatment he receives in experienced hands.